After a Man Comes How Long Before He Can Come Again

Dealing with Erectile Dysfunction

Dealing with Erectile Dysfunction: For You and Your Partner

The post-obit information is based on the general experiences of many prostate cancer patients. Your experience may be different. If you lot accept any questions nigh what prostate cancer handling services are covered by your health insurance, please contact your health care provider or wellness insurance provider. This education material was made possible by a Grant from the California Section of Justice, Antitrust Law Department, from litigation settlement funds to benefit Californians diagnosed with cancer or their families.

  • What Volition I Learn Past Reading This?
  • What Is Erectile Dysfunction?
  • Why Does Erectile Dysfunction Happen with Prostate Cancer Treatment?
  • How Soon Later on Prostate Cancer Treatment Tin can I Exist Sexually Active Again?
  • Tin I Have An Orgasm Without An Erection?
  • Tin Anything Be Washed for Erectile Dysfunction Caused by Prostate Cancer Handling?
  • How May Erectile Dysfunction Affect My Sexual activity Life?
  • Are There Things I Can Do To Help Myself If I Take Erectile Dysfunction?
  • How May Erectile Dysfunction Impact My Sexual Relationships?
  • What Can I, As a Partner, Look?
  • What Have I Learned By Reading This?
  • Primal Words
  • Castilian (PDF)

What Will I Learn By Reading This?

When you have treatment for your prostate cancer, you may have erectile dysfunction too known as impotence. Erectile dysfunction is a very common side effect (unwanted changes that may occur in your body during or after prostate cancer treatment). Side effects from prostate cancer treatment are different from one homo to the next. They may besides be different from ane treatment to the next. Some men have no erectile dysfunction. The practiced news is that at that place are ways to deal with erectile dysfunction. In this booklet you volition learn:

  • What erectile dysfunction is
  • Why prostate cancer treatment can crusade erectile dysfunction
  • What can be done about erectile dysfunction
  • How erectile dysfunction may touch your sex life
  • What your partner can await

It is of import for you to larn how to deal with erectile dysfunction so that you tin can continue to have a satisfying intimate (very individual or close) relationship.

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What Is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (sometimes called impotence) is when a man'southward penis cannot get hard plenty for him to have sex. This tin can exist hard for the human whether or not he has a sex partner.

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Why Does Erectile Dysfunction Happen with Prostate Cancer Treatment?

To assist you understand why prostate cancer handling may cause you to have erectile dysfunction, it is good for you to learn how your torso may be changed past your treatment. Normally when a man is sexually angry (excited):

  1. The brain sends a message telling the blood vessels in the penis to get wider.
  2. This causes more than claret flows to the penis.
  3. When this happens, the penis gets bigger and hardens. This causes an erection (when your penis is difficult enough to take sex). Some prostate cancer treatments may bear upon the nerves, muscles, or blood vessels that let you lot accept an erection. Other prostate cancer treatments may bear upon your libido (or sexual practice bulldoze).

Where the prostate gland is found in your body: Illustration showing the urethra connected to bladder and through the prostate gland.

Radical Prostatectomy

The prostate is a gland that is about the size of a walnut. It sits around the urethra like a donut. The urethra is the tube that carries urine and semen to the outside of your body. Located near the prostate gland are the fretfulness, blood vessels and muscles needed to have an erection and to control your float. When y'all have a radical prostatectomy, you have surgery to remove your prostate gland. These nerves, blood vessels, and muscles may be weakened when you accept surgery for your prostate cancer.

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For a menses of time after surgery, many men are not able to get an erection. This time is dissimilar for each man. It can exist less than a month or longer than a month. Nonetheless, you may find that you lot cannot have an erection fifty-fifty a year or more subsequently surgery. Your ability to have an erection later your surgery will depend on whether your prostate cancer was shut to the nerves that control your erections, whether you lot had erections before surgery, and your age. If you were having bug having erections before surgery, these problems will not be ameliorate after surgery. If yous are able to have an erection after surgery, at that place volition be no semen (the fluid that comes out when yous have sex) ejaculated when you have an orgasm. The prostate gland makes this fluid. When your prostate gland is removed, there will be no more semen. This surprises some men if they are not expecting it, but this is normal afterward your prostate gland is removed. This also means that you will not be able to father a child after surgery.

Radiation Therapy

Radiations therapy may damage the fretfulness near your prostate gland that help you have erections. Over time, you may observe that yous are not having as many erections as you used to. Some men start having erectile dysfunction six months or more than after their radiation therapy. If this happens, the erectile dysfunction usually does not amend.

If you are able to have an erection subsequently radiation therapy, you may detect that the amount of semen (the fluid that comes out of your penis at climax of sexual activity) when y'all have an orgasm will get less. Some men have dry orgasms (orgasm without the release of semen). Yous will discover that equally time goes on, the amount of semen will become less. You probably will not accept enough sperm to father a child. Y'all may likewise take some pain for a few weeks when you ejaculate. This usually goes away after several weeks.

Hormone Therapy

Hormone therapy does not damage the nerves, blood vessels, or muscles around the prostate gland. Hormone therapy lowers the amount of testosterone in your torso. Testosterone is a hormone that makes you interested in sex. With hormone treatment, y'all may discover that yous are non interested in sex. You may also have erectile dysfunction. Some men on hormone therapy say that their sexual desire is nonetheless strong, but they accept problems getting an erection. Or they may accept problems reaching orgasm. The side effects of hormones are dissimilar from man to man. Some men are able to experience desire and have erections and orgasms. Your power to have an erection and your interest in sex may become better several months later on your hormone treatment ends.

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How Soon After Prostate Cancer Treatment Tin can I Be Sexually Active Again?

This volition depend on what blazon of treatment you take had and how yous feel. It could exist several weeks, for others information technology may be a lot longer for erections to render. Some men will never be able to go along an erection without the assistance of artificial (human being made) methods like medicines or medical devices (an object which is useful to treat a medical condition). If you were having bug having erections before treatment, this will not get better after treatment.

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Can I Have An Orgasm Without An Erection?

Yes. An erection is not necessary for orgasm or ejaculation. Even if a human being cannot have an erection or tin can but go or keep a fractional erection, with the correct sexual stimulation you can experience an orgasm. Your orgasm has little to do with your prostate gland. As long as you have normal skin sensation, you tin have an orgasm.

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Tin can Anything Exist Done for Erectile Dysfunction Caused by Prostate Cancer Treatment?

Yes, there are things you lot can try if you accept erectile dysfunction subsequently your prostate cancer treatment. You should keep in listen that the following things will touch on your ability to have an erection after your prostate cancer handling:

  • How good your erections were earlier your treatment
  • Other medical conditions yous have like high claret pressure or diabetes
  • Some types of medicines you may accept such every bit medicines for high blood pressure or antidepressants
  • Things you lot exercise in your life (lifestyle) such as drinking or smoking
  • Your age
  • The type of prostate cancer handling you had

It is important that you and your partner speak with your doctor or healthcare team about what you lot can practice. Your doctor or healthcare squad volition speak with you nearly what might work best for you lot if you have erectile dysfunction. It is important that you speak with them since some treatments for erectile dysfunction can bear upon other medical problems you lot may have.

Illustration showing MUSE applicator that comes with medicated pellet, button, cap, and more.

Types of treatment for erectile dysfunction include:

  1. Oral medicines. The most common medications that your doc may requite you are oral medicines such equally Cialis®, Levitra® and Viagra®. These medicines are taken past mouth or orally. These medicines piece of work by letting more claret period to your penis. It takes xxx minutes to one hour before y'all are able to get an erection with these medicines. In guild to take an erection yous will need to be sexually stimulated (or excited). You will not have a permanent erection when you lot take these medicines. It is very common for men to need several doses (or amounts) of these oral medicines, taken on different days, earlier it begins to work. Don't be discouraged. Go along trying but call up not to take this medicine more once a mean solar day. These medicines may also work improve on an empty stomach. So try non to eat for 2 hours before you have these medicines. If these medicines do not help you accept an erection or there is another reason why you can't take them, your medico may attempt another medicine.
  2. Penile Injections. A penile injection is when y'all requite yourself a shot of medicine in the base of your penis when you wish to have an erection. This medicine lets more than claret flow to your penis. You volition usually become an erection in almost ten minutes which will last for xxx to 60 minutes. With this method, you do not need to be sexually stimulated in club to get an erection. If you apply this method, yous will exist taught past your doctor or healthcare team how to requite yourself a shot. It may take several tries before you are able to give yourself the shot the right way. If this medicine does not assist, there are means to help you take an erection with external medical devices (an object used outside of the body which is useful to treat a medical condition).
  3. MUSE. MUSE® is a minor pellet of medicine that is placed in your urethra with a dispensable plastic applicator. The opening to your urethra is where the urine comes out of your penis. The medicine is smaller than a grain of rice. This medicine lets more blood flow to your penis. You will usually get an erection in five to ten minutes which will terminal for xxx to threescore minutes. With this method, you do not need to exist sexually stimulated in order to get an erection. No needles are used with MUSE. If this medicine does non help, in that location are ways to help y'all take an erection with external medical devices.
  4. Penile rings and vacuum pumps. These are external medical devices that aid you with your erections. Penile rings are best for men who tin get erections but can't continue them. The rings are made of rubber and are placed effectually the base of the penis to get in rigid plenty for sex. A vacuum pump is for men who can't get or keep erections. The vacuum pump is made up of a clear plastic cylinder and a pump that may be manus or battery operated. The vacuum pump is placed over the penis. Every bit air is taken out of the cylinder, blood is drawn into the penis. This makes your penis overstate. A band is then placed around the base of your penis to maintain the erection. It may take up to two weeks for a human to be comfy with using a vacuum pump. Information technology is of import that you use these devices the correct style and that they fit the right mode. Your doctor or healthcare team should explain how to use them and how to buy them.
  5. Penile implants. It is normal for your doc to try and care for your erectile dysfunction with medicine or external medical devices first. If these options don't help you get an erection, y'all may desire to talk to your doctor about the chance of getting a penile implant. A penile implant is a medical device put in your penis during an functioning. The implant volition help you lot have a mechanical erection (the ability to take an erection using a medical device placed in your penis during an operation).

How May Erectile Dysfunction Touch My Sex Life?

About men detect that their sex life is unlike subsequently prostate cancer treatment. Some men question their manliness when they cannot have an erection or find that they are not interested in sex. This can happen fifty-fifty if you are not currently in an intimate relationship. You may observe this upsetting. Even if 1 of the medications or erection aids is helpful, having sex using these things may take some getting used to. Information technology may non feel entirely natural. You can talk with your doctor or healthcare squad most these feelings. Counseling may also assistance.

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If you have an intimate partner, it is important for you to talk to your partner about how you are feeling. At that place is an old saying that a "trouble shared is a trouble halved." Not everyone wants a sexual relationship. Don't effort to guess or assume what your partner wants. Accept an open and honest word with your partner.

This may seem unnecessary in long-term relationships as people tend to presume they know all there is to know about their partner simply this is not e'er the instance. With time, you and your partner may be able to detect satisfying ways to accept a sex activity life fifty-fifty though y'all take erectile dysfunction. Your partner will also have concerns about your sexual practice life every bit well as concerns about your health. Talking almost your feelings is very important during this time.

Illustration of vacuum pump connected to a hand pump to operate the device.

When you lot're ready to offset having sexual activity over again, talk to your doctor or healthcare team. Other people you can talk to about your human relationship include a counselor, your minister, a health professional, or other men in prostate cancer support groups. Your partner can exist a valuable back up if you're feeling a picayune nervous about doing all the talking. Take them with yous when you run across your doctor. Please talk to your doctor or healthcare team about how y'all are doing with intimacy.

Are At that place Things I Can Do To Assist Myself If I Accept Erectile Dysfunction?

Yes, there are changes yous can make in your life that may assist with your erectile dysfunction. Retrieve to speak with your doctor or healthcare squad before making whatsoever of these changes.

Some changes you may want to consider are:

  • Endeavor to exercise on a regular ground.
  • Effort to consume a salubrious nutrition.
  • Drink responsibly. Long-term, heavy drinking lowers your power to have an erection.
  • Try to lower your stress and fatigue (extreme tiredness). Beingness diagnosed with prostate cancer and working in all the changes it brings to your life can exist stressful. Stress and the tiredness caused by your prostate cancer handling, can make it hard for you to "get in the mood." Many men going through prostate cancer treatment experience this way. Talking with your partner might help lower your stress. You lot may too speak to your doctor or healthcare team about how you are feeling. They are there to help you through this time.
  • Stop smoking. Research studies show that smoking can damage your ability to accept sexual activity. If you demand help to cease smoking, speak with your dr. or healthcare team.
  • Exercise your Kegel exercises. Kegel exercises assistance strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, which support your bladder and bowel. These muscles also help with erections. For more than data, please run into the IMPACT booklet, "Kegel Exercises for Men."

How May Erectile Dysfunction Touch My Sexual Relationships?

Prostate cancer and its treatment can affect your desire for sex activity. Every homo is different just the feelings caused past having cancer and the physical stress of handling can affect the manner you feel nigh your body and your relationships. Some men talk about feelings of a loss of their part within the partnership or family. This can sometimes touch a man'south self esteem and confidence. For others, the physical effects of treatment may lead to tiredness and a lack of energy. Physical changes after some treatments can likewise bear on the way you feel near your body and appearance (your body image). All of these things may result in a lack of interest in sex.

If you are feeling tired or under stress, tell your partner how your feel. Loss of involvement in sex does not mean you lose interest in a loving and supportive human relationship. There are ways to remain physically intimate without having sex. If you are used to a close physical relationship, it is important to call up that hugs, cuddles and kisses maintain intimacy, provide back up, and do non have to lead to sex.

If you lot have a partner, it is important that y'all involve them in any decisions you make nearly treatment for erectile dysfunction. The loss of sex in a human relationship, changes in the manner a couple have sex, or starting sexual activity again after prostate cancer treatment tin all affect a relationship. Your partner can get with you lot to your doc appointments to learn more about your prostate cancer treatment and how to manage your side furnishings. Human relationship therapy may also exist available to you.

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What Can I, As a Partner, Wait?

One of the effects of prostate cancer treatment is erectile dysfunction or impotence. This ways that your partner may not exist able to take erections that are hard enough for him to accept sexual practice with you or that he may non exist interested in sexual practice because of the medicine he is taking to treat his prostate cancer. This affects not only the man, but you, too, as his intimate partner. If you are the partner of a man with erectile dysfunction, it can be hard to cope with changes in your sexual human relationship. Sometimes men struggle to come up to terms with changes in their trunk paradigm or their ability to perform sexually. This tin sometimes result in him staying away from intimate (very individual or close) situations where he may experience under pressure to make dear. Every bit a partner you may feel rejected by what seems like a lack of sexual interest or intimacy. This may not have annihilation to practise with his feelings for yous, only is a effect of his cancer handling. Erectile dysfunction can be difficult for both of you. You may want to reassure your partner that:

  • Sex is not as important as long every bit he is healthy and that he is no less of a man to yous
  • You will work through it with him
  • You understand his feelings
  • He is important to you

Information technology may aid if y'all explain to your partner how of import nonsexual touching and intimacy such every bit kissing and cuddling is to you.

However, it is of import to understand that sex may exist very important to both of you. This may be an opportunity for you to experiment sexually with each other and piece of work on ways to remain intimate, even when an erection is non possible. There are many different means to be sexual. Take this time to explore, together, the things y'all can do with each other that are sexually heady. Explore a variety of options to maintain sexual and emotional intimacy and satisfaction. If y'all are used to your partner being the sexual initiator, this may be the fourth dimension for a little role-reversal. Information technology is OK for y'all to tell your partner that even though he has erectile dysfunction, you desire to stay in touch physically and intimately. Talk to your partner about ways to do this. Instead of trying to "fix your sex life" take this equally a fourth dimension to "play." Again, please don't hesitate to talk to your partner'south md or healthcare team, if you are having difficulties with your partner's erectile dysfunction.

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What Have I Learned By Reading This?

You lot learned about:

  • What erectile dysfunction is
  • Why prostate cancer treatment can crusade erectile dysfunction
  • What tin can be done almost erectile dysfunction
  • How erectile dysfunction may touch on your sexual activity life
  • What your partner can expect

If y'all have any questions, please talk to your doctor or health care team. Information technology is important that you empathise what is going on with your prostate cancer treatment. This cognition will help you accept better care of yourself and feel more in control. It will also help you manage whatever side effects you lot may have from your handling.

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Cardinal Words

  • Antidepressant: Medicine used to prevent or treat clinical low .
  • Appearance : Your torso image.
  • Applicator : A simple tool used to put on medicine.
  • Artificial : Human made.
  • Climax : Orgasm.
  • Clinical depression : a disorder marked by sadness, inactivity, difficulty with thinking and concentration, a significant increase or decrease in appetite and fourth dimension spent sleeping, feelings of hopelessness, and thoughts of death.
  • Disposable : Made to be thrown abroad afterwards you use information technology.
  • Dry orgasm: orgasm without the release of semen.
  • Doses : Amounts.
  • Ejaculate: The procedure of semen leaving the penis during sex.
  • Erectile dysfunction: When a man'southward penis does not get hard enough for him to have sex.
  • Erection : When your penis is hard enough to have sex.
  • External medical device : An object used exterior of the body which is useful to treat a medical condition
  • Fatigue : Farthermost tiredness.
  • Hormone therapy : A cancer treatment that lowers the amount of testosterone in your body.
  • Impotence: When a man's penis does not get hard enough for him to take sex.
  • Intimate Partner: Someone you take sex with.
  • Intimate : Very private or close.
  • Libido : Your sex drive.
  • Lifestyle : A way of life or mode of living.
  • Mechanical erection : The power to take an erection using a medical device placed in your penis during an functioning
  • Orally : Taken by your mouth.
  • Orgasm : The highest point of sexual excitement. This is comes with strong feelings of pleasure and ordinarily by ejaculation of semen past the male and by vaginal contractions inside the female person. As well called climax .
  • Prostate gland : A gland well-nigh the size of a walnut and located under the bladder surrounding the upper part of the urethra. This gland produces semen and is institute only in men.
  • Radiation therapy : a cancer treatment that uses high energy beams, such every bit xrays, to kill cancer cells and to end them from spreading.
  • Radical Prostatectomy (ra-di-cul pros-tatek-toe-me): A cancer treatment where a surgeon removes your prostate gland during an operation.
  • Semen: The fluid that carries sperm.
  • Sex activity drive : Your Libido.
  • Side effects: Unwanted changes that may occur in your trunk during or afterward prostate cancer handling.
  • Sexual initiator : Partner who begins the deed of sexual practice.
  • Stimulated : Excited
  • Testosterone: Male hormone that is fabricated in the testes and is needed for erection to happen and for a homo to be interested in sex.
  • Urethra: The tube that takes urine from the bladder and semen from the prostate gland, through the penis to the outside of the torso when a man urinates.

Our Prostate Cancer Mission is You You

Patient Story, Prostate CancerPatient Story >
Barry Broughton is a successful marketing executive who has traveled the world and faced a lifetime of challenges. Merely few challenges would be as hard equally the diagnosis he received last yr of prostate cancer.

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The Department of Urology at UCLA is one of the most progressive and comprehensive urology programs in the country. Our faculty members work next with enquiry scientists for new cures and treatments for prostate cancer.

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Our goal is to provide you with fast, easy access to the physicians and services at UCLA. For assistance in determining which UCLA urologist(southward) may have expertise to help you lot, please call the Urology Date phone number:

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